
Building a Datalake with Your Data


In this workshop, we will be building a serverless data pipeline using your own data. Starting with your sample data stored in Amazon S3, we will go through various parts of the workshop focusing on transforming, analyzing, and visualizing your data.

Upon completion of the workshop, you will have a solid foundation to further develop your data pipeline and generate more insights. We will leverage AWS Glue for data cataloguing and running ETL on data in the data lake. Amazon Athena will be used for querying data in the data lake and Amazon QuickSight for data visualization.

In this workshop, we will be using the Singapore Region (ap-southeast-1), but you may choose a different region as you prefer.


  1. Preparation
  2. Data Preparation
  3. Ingestion with Glue
  4. Building the data pipeline
  5. Querying with Athena
  6. Visualization with QuickSight
  7. Resource Cleanup